Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

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Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

First, what is a Superfund site?

A Superfund site is an area, often referred to as a "toxic site," which poses potential hazards to humans or the environment due to contamination. California has 97 Superfund sites, with Santa Clara County alone having 23, more than any other county in the United States. Many of these sites are contaminated by toxic chemicals used in manufacturing computer parts, making concerns about Superfund sites very valid when buying a home.

Second, how can you know if the house you want to buy is near a Superfund site?

Method 1: Check the Disclosure Report. The house’s disclosure report, specifically the Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) report, will indicate the proximity to Superfund sites. For example, the NHD report for a single-family home in the 95125 area of South Bay would show marked Superfund sites in pink circles. If there are no Superfund sites nearby, they won't be marked on the report.

Your real estate agent can download and professionally interpret this report for you when you are ready to make an offer on a house.

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

Method 2: Use the EPA Website

Another way to check is through the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) website, which provides accurate addresses of Superfund sites. Here's the link: https://www.epa.gov/superfund

This site offers comprehensive information about Superfund sites.

You can search for California Superfund sites here:https://www.epa.gov/superfund/search-superfund-sites-where-you-live 点击该网页就进入到如下页面。

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

By selecting California

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

and clicking "Go," you can view all Superfund sites in the state. The specific addresses for the 23 sites in Santa Clara County can be found here.

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

Understanding Superfund Sites: What Bay Area Homebuyers Need to Know

You can then use Google Maps to see how far your desired house is from these sites.

Finally, can you buy a house near a Superfund site, or should you avoid it?

The answer depends on the situation. Many Superfund sites are in prime locations and have been cleaned up and repurposed for shopping centers or office buildings. However, for residential properties, the safest approach is to conduct soil testing, especially if you plan to garden, have pets, or raise children in the yard. Soil testing can provide accurate answers about contamination levels. The cost of testing ranges from tens to hundreds of dollars, depending on the specific tests required. It’s best to consult with professionals for a precise quote.

In summary, understanding what a Superfund site is, knowing how to find out if your potential new home is near one, and deciding whether to buy a house near a Superfund site are crucial steps in the home-buying process. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.